Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

Coretan Untuk Ibu Tersayang !!!!

Syawal Makkah | Coretan Untuk Ibu Tersayang !!!! - oke sebelumnya mimin mau ucapkan selamat hari ibu, kali ini mimin mau share Coretan Untuk Ibu Tersayang, oke langsung aja ke TKP cekidot :

To me, my mom is the greatest MOM in the world number one's mother in the world. for me the mother of everything. mother to me is the best in the world. Thanks MOM, thanks to my mom this is deposited in the world thanks to my mother could still see the beauty of the world thanks to my mother could feel the pleasure of the world thanks to my mother could still stand for my life to appease mother. mother forgive me. I always disappoint MOM. yourself  behavior i  that is too make kanakan make mother's chagrin, my mother my dear mother, I love only moms and mothers forever.

...:::[Happy Mother's Day]:::...

Regard's: bboy 011 Admin Group Manado

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keren mampiri jga ke blog aku nyaa yyha... makasi
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